Junior Waec Questions and Answers for Agricultural Science 2024

The Junior WAEC, also known as the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), is a pivotal moment for JSS 3 students in Nigeria. Agricultural Science is a compulsory subject that tests students’ knowledge in various aspects of agriculture.

This blog post aims to guide students through potential questions and answers for the 2024 Agricultural Science paper, along with effective study strategies.

Understanding the Agricultural Science Examination

Agricultural Science in the Junior WAEC covers a broad spectrum of topics, from crop and animal production to agricultural economics and extension services. It’s a subject that combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, essential for Nigeria’s agrarian-based economy.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Crop Production: Knowledge of different crop types, their cultivation, and management.
  • Animal Husbandry: Understanding the principles of rearing and managing livestock.
  • Agricultural Economics: Basics of farm management, marketing, and finance.
  • Soil Science: Comprehension of soil types, fertility, and conservation methods.
  • Agricultural Extension: The role of extension services in improving agricultural practices.

Study Tips for Excellence

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Get a clear grasp of the topics covered in the examination.
  2. Practical Experience: Engage in hands-on farming activities to better understand theoretical concepts.
  3. Past Question Papers: Review past BECE questions to familiarize yourself with the exam format.
  4. Group Study: Collaborate with peers to discuss and solve complex agricultural problems.
  5. Consult Instructors: Seek clarification on difficult topics from your teachers.

Sample Questions and Answers

Here are some sample questions and answers based on the syllabus and previous exams:

Question 1: What is the importance of crop rotation in agriculture? Answer: Crop rotation helps prevent soil depletion, reduces pest and disease incidence, and can improve soil structure and fertility.

Question 2: Describe the role of extension officers in agricultural development. Answer: Extension officers provide farmers with the latest agricultural research, teach new farming techniques, and offer advice on farm management and problem-solving.

Question 3: How does compost manure improve soil fertility? Answer: Compost manure enriches the soil with nutrients, improves soil structure, enhances moisture retention, and encourages beneficial microbial activity.





There will be three papers: Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.


PAPER 1: Will consist of fifty multiple choice questions to be answered within 50 minutes for 50 marks.


PAPER 2: Will consist of six essay questions with each drawn from at least two themes in the syllabus. Candidates will be required to answer five of the questions within 2 hours 10 minutes for 90 marks.


PAPER 3: Will be a practical paper for school candidates and alternative to practical paper for private candidates. It will consist of four questions, all of which should be answered within 1½ hours for 60 marks.



Paper 1 (Objective)


  1. The device which helps to regulate heat in an incubator is the


  1. Which of the following statements about crop production is not correct?


  1. Onionsare commonly grown in the rainforest zones.
  2. Yam,cocoyam and cassava are grown in both the rainforest and the savanna
  3. Someforeign vegetable crops are grown in and around urban
  4. Carrotsare commonly grown in the savanna and moist vegetation belts.


  1. Which of the following is a disadvantage of surface irrigation?


  1. The quantity of water lost is high.
  2. Water is evenly distributed over the farmland
  3. It is very cheap to
  4. The system is suitable for paddy rice
  1. Finesoil tilth is produced by the use of



  1. Theproblems of farm mechanization in West Africa include the following



  1. reductionof farm
  2. smallfarm
  3. povertyof farmers.
  4. poor


Paper 2 (Essay)


  • (a) Explaineach of the following terms as used in animal production:


  • dipping;
  • drycow;
  • culling;
  • quarantine. [8marks]
  • Describethe life cycle of roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides). [4 marks]
  • Explainthe term farm mechanization. [2 marks]
  • Namefour tractor coupled implements [4 marks]


  • (a)State six limitations of farm mechanization in West  [6 marks]
  • Suggestsix ways of encouraging farm mechanization in West

[6 marks]

  • Listfour methods of identification in cattle  [4 marks]
  • Whatis debeaking in poultry management? [2 marks]


  • (a) Mentiontwo processes that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere[2 marks]
  • Namefour storage pests of crops [4 marks]
  • Statetwo functions of Potassium in crops. [2 marks]
  • List three ways by which each of the following biotic factorsaffects agricultural production:


  • parasites;
  • soil [6 marks]


  • Statefour advantages of zero  [4 marks]


(Instruction) Specimens A  Granite

 Limestone C Marble

1.(a) Identify specimens A, B and C. [3 marks]

  • Classifyspecimens A, B and C according to their mode of formation. [3 marks]
  • Statethree characteristics of each of specimens AB and C. [9 marks]


  1. (a)Differentiate between specimens A and B [ 6 marks ]
  • Statefour ways in which specimen A is important [ 4 marks ]
  • Describethe formation of specimen A [ 5 marks ]

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