How Many Subjects Will I Write In JAMB UTME?

Candidates for the JAMB UTME will write just four subjects. In general, all UTME applicants must write or sit for four topics in the Unverified Tertiary and Matriculation Examination administered by JAMB.

Of fact, these four disciplines differ from student to student based on their suggested curricula. Science courses may require the same four subject combination in some circumstances, although business and art courses may demand their own right mix as well.

For example, a science student interested in pharmacy will select English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics during UTME registration and write the exam.

A commercial student studying accounting will select and take English, Math, Economics, and Accounting. While your art counterpart studying law will select and sit for English, Literature in English, Government, CRS/IRS, or any other art topic.

These are just three examples of different course combinations.

Your course will determine your JAMB must-write subjects. Each applicant will write four subjects in total.

English is required of all candidates regardless of course.
It makes no difference if you are a science, business, or art student. Whether you propose Economics, Geology, or Linguistics, all applicants will write English in the UTME.

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All courses emphasise the use of English. This is why, according to your JAMB booklet, JAMB would not even bother including English as a subject requirement for your planned course. The brochure will instead just mention the other three themes relevant to your planned course.


The JAMB UTME is a computer-based exam meant to assess students exclusively on the four subjects related to their planned courses, including English, which is a general subject for all courses.

You must study the JAMB booklet to avoid errors in the selection of the other three subjects, and you will be tested on all four subjects during the exam.

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