FREE Midnight JAMB EXPO For CRK 2023/2024 (Questions and Answers)

Questions and Answers on Christian Religious Knowledge by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board JAMB CRK, JAMB CRK Questions 2023, JAMB CRK Questions and Answers | The JambandWaec team will provide free access to probable JAMB Questions and Answers on CRK, JAMB random repeated questions.

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JAMB C.R.K/C.R.S Questions and Answers(Expo)

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Welcome to 2023 Christian Religious Knowledge (C.R.K) questions and answers. You will see here, JAMB C.R.K repeated past questions. Relax and go through them. Use them to prepare for mock and JAMB examinations.

1. The prohibition against eating the forbidden fruit stresses God’s

A. power in the creation of man

B. Lordship and man’s obedience

C. foreknowledge and man’s fall

D. authority to rule over man

ANSWER: C ( foreknowledge and man’s fall )

2. The king who promised to supply king Solomon cedar and cypress timber for the building of the name of the Lord, God of David was

A. Hiram

B. Hiddai

C. Hiel

D. Hirah

ANSWER: A (Hiram)

3. The high priest who found the book of the law during the reign of King Josiah was

A. Hezekiah

B.  Helpher

C. Hilkiah

D. Heldai

ANSWER: C (Hilkiah)

4. When Zerubbabel and Joshua the son of Jozadak began to rebuild the house of God which was in Jerusalem they were assisted by ________________________

A. Haggai and Zachariah

B. Mithredath and Tobael

C. The prophets of God in Jerusalem

D. The priest of God in Jerusalem

ANSWER: C (The prophets of God in Jerusalem)

5What does the word “Cup” mean in the book of Matthew? It means

A. Water container for drinking

B. cup of blessing from God

C. metaphor referring to suffering

D. metaphor referring to crucifixion

ANSWER: C (metaphor referring to suffering)

6. The disciples were called Christian for the first time in

A. Samaria

B. Ephesus

C. Antioch

D. Caesarea

ANSWER: C (Antioch)

7. The law books used for the great reformation of Israel’s social and religious institution were found in the temple in 621 BC during the reign of

A. Hezekiah

B. Josiah

C. Moses

D. Ahab

ANSWER: B (Josia)

8. Jesus Christ was baptized in the River Jordan by

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A. Mathew

B. John

C. Jeremiah

D. Mary Magdalene

ANSWER: B (John)

9. David took Jerusalem from

A. The Jebusites

B. The Philistines

C. The Ammonites

D. Edomites

ANSWER: (The Jebusites)

10. Where did the Lord appear to Solomon in a dream?

A. Horeb


C. Gath

D. Jericho

ANSWER: B (Gibeon)

11. The division of David’s kingdom was a direct consequence of

A. Absalom’s revolt

B. Jeroboam’s revolt

C. Solomon’s forced labour

D. Rehoboam’s unwise decision

ANSWER: D (Rehoboam’s unwise decision)

12. Amos told the Israelites that they have turned justice into

A. injustices

B. poison

C. wormwood

D. anguish

ANSWER: C (wormwood)

13. How did God convince Jeremiah of his divine call

A. he anointed him with oil

B. he spoke to him directly from heaven

C. he sent a prophet to inform him

D. he touched his mouth

ANSWER: D (he touched his mouth)

14. The vision of the dry bones of Ezekiel portrays

A. famine

B. hope

C. punishment

D. judgement

ANSWER: B (hope).

15. When the man with an unclean spirit in the region of the Gerasenes saw Jesus, he

A. acknowledged him as the son of the most high God

B. pleaded to be cast into the abyss

C. requested to follow him as a disciple.

D. pleaded that a miracle be performed to cleanse him

ANSWER: A (acknowledged him as the son of the most high God)

16. The man appointed by the Holy Ghost to go on the missionary journey with Saul was

A. Lucius

B. Barnabas

C. Peter

D. Mark

ANSWER: B (Barnabas)

17. Peter became frightened as he walked on the sea because

A. he saw a ghost

B. he doubled Jesus

C. of the wind

D. it was dark and cloudly

ANSWER: A (he saw a ghost)

18. What did the blind man by the roadside near Jericho do on receiving his sight?

A. he jumped for joy and went away

B. he thanked Jesus for healing him

C. He followed Jesus, glorifying God

D. he gave praise to God for making him whole

ANSWER: D ( he gave praise to God for making him whole)

19. The order of the crucifixion events according to Luke’s Gospel is

A. crucifixion, lots casting for His dress, scoffing and mockery

B. mockery, lots casting for His dress, scoffing and crucifixion


C. lots casting for His dress, mockery scoffing and crucifixion

D. crucifixion, scoffing, mockery and lots casting for His dress

ANSWER: A (crucifixion, lots casting for His dress, scoffing and mockery)

20. The angel told Zachariah that John the Baptist would drink no wine nor strong drink because he would

A be the forerunner of Jesus

B. only eat locusts and wild honey

C. be filled with the Holy Spirit

D. baptize sinners who would come to him

ANSWER: D (baptize sinners who would come to him)

Continue Reading JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge Questions and Answers


21. Who found baby Moses?

A. Isaac

B. Joseph

C. Jacob

D. Lot

22. Who was the first King of Israel

A. Ahab

B. Samuel

C. Saul

D. David

23. James and John were known as the sons of which of the following?

A. the Master

B. Lightening

C. Thunder

D. Hope

24. How Many brothers did Joseph have?

A. Twelve

B. Eleven

C. Nine

D. Seven

25. Who was King David married to?

A. Mary Magdeline

B. Esther

C. Rebekah

D. Bathsheba

26. Who was Abraham’s Father

A. Lot

B. Terah

C. Jesse

D. Isaac

27. Who wrote the Tora (first five books of the Bible)

A. Abraham

B. Noah

C. Joseph

D. Moses

28. Which book of the Bible never mentions God?

A. Malachi

B. Job


D. Amos

29. What did Daniel and his friends refuse to do?

A. Fight in the king’s army

B. Eat the king’s food

C. wear the king’s robe

D. Interpret the king’s dream

30. God used ravens to feed which prophet?

A. Isaiah

B. Malachi

C. Elijah

D. Daniel

31. Of the ten lepers Jesus healed, how many said “thank you”?

A. one

B. Ten

C. Five

D. Three

32. Through which of the following did God speak to Job?

A. A donkey

B. A whirlwind

C. A burning bush

D. A scroll in the temple

33. What did Jesus proclaim as the greatest commandment?

A. Love the Lord as your god

B. Love your neighbour

C. keep the sabbath

D. Love your child

34. Where did Jesus meet the Samaritan woman?

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A. In Canaan

B. Beside the fig tree

C. The mount of Olives

D. Jacob’s well

35. When Jesus got angry in the Temple, what did he do?

A. To talk to the priests

B. To talk with his disciples

C. To make a whip

D. To pray

36. Which of Jesus’ disciples is not mentioned in any Gospel?

A. Thomas

B. Philip

C. Bartholomew

D. James

37. The consequence of Hiel’s building of Jericho was that he

A. was killed by Ahab

B. was made a commander in Ahab’s army

C. was highly respected by his tribe

D. lost two of his sons

38.  According to Hosea, one of the punishments for the sins of Isreal was that

A. they would not receive divine revelation

B. they would eat but would not be satisfied

C. the LORD would send famine upon the land

D. their women would become barren.

39. Daniel was set up to be thrown to the lions by the

A. counselors of Nebuchadnezzar

B. adviser of king Xerxes

C. presidents and satraps of Persia

D. Lords and nobles of Medes

40. How many wings does a Seraphim have?

A. Ten

B. two

C. Six

D. Twelve

The above questions are JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies questions and answers to get you prepared for the 2023 JAMB CRS questions.

How to Score High in JAMB CRK Questions

To score high in JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge, you need to do the following:

    • Effectively log in to your computer without squandering time
    • When necessary, call the attention of the invigilators.
    • Examine and record the time allocated to a specific topic.
    • Please peruse the on-screen instructions with care.
    • Read and answer the pertinent questions
    • Please read the queries at least three times before selecting an answer.
    • Control the time we’ll Do not avoid any query.
    • Everyone completes and submits their work within three minutes of the allotted time.


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