15 Jobs You Can Do in Canada Without any Certificate

The shortage of manpower is affecting Canada’s economy despite the fact that it is arguably one of the best countries globally. As a result, the country is constantly looking for workers from around the globe to tackle and solve this problem.


Canada is a great country for anyone looking to advance in their profession and earn some money because there are thousands of employment opportunities there. Even if you are not educated, it is still possible for you to make lots of money in Canada. This is because there are many jobs available that you can obtain without any certificate. Therefore, among other things, we will reveal in this post 15 jobs that you can do in Canada without a certificate.

15 Jobs that Require no Certificate in Canada

1. Chef

Average Salary (per year):  $29,734 – $42,851

NOC Code: 62200

In Canada, finding a career as a chef is not difficult because thereare many openings in the industry. Although formal education is notessential for chefs or cooks, it would be better if they attendedculinary school as this would increase their chances of getting a job.Despite this, learning how to cook on your own is possible. Chefsare expected to generate recipes, oversee the work of other kitchenstaff, organize menus, prepare meals, clean and maintain kitchentools and equipment, design buffets, and determine food amounts. InCanada, chefs can work at restaurants, businesses, organizations,etc. and are paid well.

2. Welder

Average Salary (per year): $37,000 – $76,000

NOC Code: 7237

Consider welding in Canada if you have any welding experience or if you simply enjoy what welders do. This job position has a high demand in Canada and doesn’t call for educational qualifications. However, your chances of landing a job can be increased if you have a welding qualification or work experience. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals are joined together by welders using gas and heat to construct and repair items. They often work in the manufacturing, engineering, and car industries. Consider enrolling in a welding school if you have no prior experience as this can make you stand out among others. In fact, to show your expertise in the industry, some provinces demand that you pass an exam. Once you have passed the exam, you would be qualified for the Red Seal Endorsement which would allow you to work anywhere in Canada.

3. Construction Worker

Average Salary (per year):  $37,050 – $58,500

NOC Code: 75110

No license is necessary to work as a construction worker in Canada, despite the great demand. In practice, even if you lack experience, you can still learn on the job. Construction workers aid in building and structure construction, unloading building materials from trucks, mixing building materials, and other labour-intensive tasks on construction sites. They also maintain and clean construction-related machinery. Because they can be handling heavy items, prospective employees must be older than 18 years old and be physically fit as the job may be demanding.

4. Real Estate Agent

Average Salary (per year): $144,000

NOC Code: 7241

You may consider becoming a real estate agent if you have aninterest in working with land or other landed property. Despite thefact that some real estate agents have degrees, a degree is notnecessary to work in this field. However, you must possess thenecessary qualities, such as negotiation and communication. Sincepeople are constantly looking for new homes, there can never beenough realtors in Canada. This is why real estate is a lucrativeprofession. You might need to enrol in an official training programand fulfil the requirements of the province where you want to work.Real estate agents rent or lease homes on behalf of their clients, helpthem select the best property among others.

5. Firefighter

Average Salary (per year):  $42000 – $102000.

NOC Code: 42101

Although some firefighters hold degrees, a degree is not a compulsory requirement for employment. To protect people and property, firefighters respond to fire alarms and put out flames. They look into the cause of fires and try to stop similar incidents from happening again. When there is a medical emergency, they might also offer paramedical assistance. Time management, communication, analytical, and public safety expertise are all necessary for firefighters. You must be older than 18 and possess a valid work permit for a firefighter in Canada before you can begin your career. You also need to pass some tests to be qualified as one.

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6. Mechanic

Average Salary (per year): $57,525

NOC Code: 7321, 7322

There will always be a need for mechanics in Canada as long as people drive cars on the roads. This work is highly lucrative and doesn’t require qualifications. Vehicle engines are maintained in good working condition by mechanics through inspection, diagnosis, repair, and servicing. Mechanics can work for themselves or auto shops, garages, transportation businesses, etc. Additionally, they provide maintenance services like lubrication and more, as well as give consumers tips on how to use their vehicles safely. Although a formal degree is not necessary for employment as a mechanic, it would be advantageous if you have undergone training or had some prior experience.

7. Housekeeper

Average Salary (per year):  $27,300-$30,685

NOC Code: 65310

You can think about working as a housekeeper in Canada if you like to clean. Housekeepers are frequently needed because not everyone can handle the responsibility of keeping their homes clean themselves. Additionally, housekeepers may work for businesses like hotels, motels, hospitals, etc. In essence, their duties include making beds, sweeping floors, dusting furniture, and emptying garbage cans. Although you don’t need a certificate to work as a housekeeper, you can be expected to have relevant experience. You need to be able to manage your time well, communicate effectively, pay attention to detail, and do other things as a housekeeper.

8. Web Developer

Average Salary (per year): $78000

NOC Code: NOC 21234

A high percentage of countries in the world are focused on technology, and Canada is no exception. As a result, there is a high demand for web developers and programmers in Canada. As a web developer or programmer, you have the option of working on-site, from home, or both.


A formal degree is not required to work as a web developer; all you need is experience and the ability to think on your feet. It’s not necessary to have an engineering or computer science background to design websites; all you need to know is the basics. The efficient operation of the websites you visit online is the responsibility of web designers. They accomplish this by setting up, designing, and altering websites using programming languages. To assess security and user interface quality, they also analyze data and do tests. On-site web developers may work for engineering firms, IT businesses, etc.

9. Plumber

Average Salary (per year):  $39,000 – $86,000

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NOC Code: 7251

Canada is in need of plumbers, and this job position does not call for a degree. Plumbers put in and fix pipes and other equipment used in residential and commercial buildings for waste disposal and water distribution. To properly install pipes, they examine pipes for leaks and cut gaps in walls.


Typically, they are employed by factories, manufacturers, etc. Although a college degree is not required for employment as a plumber, you must have successfully finished high school to be eligible. It’s crucial that you enrol in an apprenticeship program to learn about the industry if you are just starting out. It is expedient that you obtain a trade certificate in order to improve your prospects because some provinces in Canada demand one. As an alternative to working for someone else, you can decide to work independently and provide services to clients.

10. Meat Cutter

Average Salary (per year):  $38,100 – $45,000

NOC Code: 65202

You may want to take this job position into consideration if you enjoy cutting various types of meat. You don’t need a certificate to work in this career and you can still earn a good income. Every day, meat cutters cut, grind, shred, and package meat that is supplied to wholesalers and retailers using a variety of instruments.

They check the meat’s quality and make sure that clients receive the best. Typically, meat cutters operate in industrial settings, small shops, or grocery stores. If you don’t want to report to a boss as a meat cutter, you might choose to work for yourself.

11. Farm Worker

Average Salary (per year): $27,300 – $39,111

NOC Code: 8431

Every province in Canada is searching for more farm workers as the country’s agricultural industry is in dire need of them. Farm workers take part in a variety of agricultural tasks like planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops, caring for livestock and poultry, helping with animal breeding, spotting sick animals, etc. The good news is that there are no special educational requirements for working as a farm labourer, so you can do it without a degree. However, it would be advantageous if you had relevant experience. Farm work can be physically challenging, therefore workers must be in good physical shape. Depending on the farming season, you should also be able to work efficiently for long periods of time and in remote areas.

12. Food and Beverage Server

Average Salary (per year): $29,734 – $42,851

NOC Code: 65200

No formal education is needed for this in-demand job position. You must accept orders, convey them to the kitchen or bar staff, and serve food and beverages to customers as a food and beverage server. Additionally, food and beverage servers offer menus, bills, and payment options. They can answer complaints, analyze wine products, and offer food and beverage guidance. Like mixing alcoholic drinks, serving food and beverages requires that you be of legal age or else it would be illegal to work as one. Even though the experience is important, you could also be able to learn on the job.

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13. Electrician

Average Salary (per year): $39,000-$91,000.

NOC Code: 7241

Since there are not enough electricians in Canada, there is an obvious need for this position. Fortunately, working as one is not required, although it is crucial to have expertise in the industry. Electricians work with electricity using tools and equipment. They put in, check, swap out, and repair cables, switch boxes, and other wiring. In order to extend the lifespan of various electrical gadgets, they also maintain them. It is easy to find work as an electrician because they are needed anywhere there is an electrical problem.

14. Driver

Average Salary (per year): $35,000 – $75,000.

NOC Code: 73300,

Truck and bus drivers are among the high-demand occupations in this category. Fortunately, you can work as one in Canada without a formal education. Drivers transport people, distribute and convey cargo, maintain the functionality of vehicles, etc. They may work for businesses engaged in sales, distribution, and production. You can choose to work as a driver independently rather than for a company. No advanced education is required for prospective drivers. However, it would suffice if they have a driver’s license and have completed high school. Additionally, you should be able to successfully communicate in either French or English. Also, having a first aid certificate, which is helpful in emergencies, would be good.

15. Cashier

Average Salary (per year):  $28,880- $40,000

NOC Code: 62010

In Canada, many enterprises and industries need a cashier to manage their finances. This implies that there will always be a need for cashiers. Cashiers take payments and record them, print receipts and invoices, give consumers pertinent information, and check that product pricing is accurate, among other things. Although a degree is not necessary, you must have finished high school and have professional experience.


Canada is a great place to start a career as there are many jobopportunities available. Even if you have no degree you can still get a good job that can earn you a considerable income. This article hasjust discussed the 15 jobs you can do in Canada without any certificate and we are sure that it has been of tremendous help to you.

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